Friday, December 28, 2012

Filmmakers Call For More GOP Action in Urban Areas & Supporting Tim Scott




December 27, 2012 

FEAR OF A BLACK REPUBLICAN filmmakers call for
more gop action in urban areas &
support of new senator tim scott
Documentary Examines Issues GOP and Scott Will Face in 2013 And Beyond
Trenton, NJ – Director Kevin J. Williams and Producer Tamara E. Williams are challenging the current Republican National Committee leadership to learn from the 2012 Presidential Election and change its ways.  The FEAR OF A BLACK REPUBLICAN filmmakers stated, “Our experiences as Republicans in an Urban area inspired us to make our film and try to help make the GOP better.  While we captured the life experiences of Black Republicans, Urban Republicans and others struggling within our political system… we found that many people of all political stripes and demographics are being ignored by both political Parties.  This situation must change and change now.”

Director Kevin J. Williams continued, “South Carolina’s Governor Nikki Haley appointing Representative Tim Scott as that state’s junior Senator is a great start and we call on the GOP to support his re-election with all the money and resources it can muster.  More importantly though, the Republican Party at the national, state and local levels must stop being afraid to take the ball and run with it.  If the Republican Party does not begin to work now to improve its standing with Minority voters and Urban voters, we are afraid that our Party will lose in 2014 and 2016.  Then it will be just a matter of time until it goes out of existence and joins the Whig Party on the ash heap of history.”

FEAR OF A BLACK REPUBLICAN has been seen by thousands of Americans and has screened before diverse audiences in Atlanta, GA; Charlotte & Greensboro, NC; Wilmington, DE; Kansas City, MO; Buffalo & Rochester, NY; Trenton, NJ; Portland, OR; Washington, DC; Philadelphia, PA; Montgomery, AL; Jackson, MS; Dallas & Waco, TX; Tucson, AZ; Albuquerque, NM; Salina KS and Chicago, IL.  Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele attended both the New Jersey and Washington, DC Premieres and participated in Q&A sessions with audiences lasting over ninety minutes each.  More screenings of the controversial documentary feature film are expected nationwide in 2013.  The trailers for FEAR OF A BLACK REPUBLICAN can be viewed on the film’s own website, as well as the YouTube, Apple iTunes and Vimeo websites. 

Synopsis:  Filmed and edited over a six year period, FEAR OF A BLACK REPUBLICAN examines why there are so few Black Republicans (and by extension, other Minorities) and how this affects the U.S. political system.  The film begins with a simple question… Does the Republican Party really want more African Americans? To get an answer, independent filmmaker Kevin J. Williams takes a non-partisan journey over two Presidential Elections to find out why there are so few Black Republicans and what that means for the future of the Two-Party Political System in America.

From the Civil War to the Great Depression, the GOP was the Party for many African-Americans, but today, barely 10% of African Americans consider themselves to be Republican and Urban areas are no longer considered competitive parts of America’s Election map. Beginning in his hometown, Williams speaks with BOTH Democrats and Republicans as he takes a personal and humorous look at his own Republican Party’s efforts in urban areas versus the suburbs, the Democratic Party's success in retaining the African American vote, the seeming phenomenon of Black Republicans and what this all means for America. FEAR OF A BLACK REPUBLICAN gives audiences of all Demographics and Political Persuasions a ground-breaking and moving view of American Politics.

During the film’s journey, Williams speaks with scholars such as Professors Cornel West and Howard Taylor; and newsmakers such as Michael Steele, former Chairman of the Republican National Committee; Presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and John McCain; former Governor Christine Todd Whitman; Commentators Tavis Smiley and Michelle Malkin; political leaders, including past RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman, Congressman Peter King and Governors Jim Gilmore and Sonny Perdue; Conservative thinkers such as Newt Gingrich, Grover Norquist and Ann Coulter; and the first and last Black Republican Senator popularly elected since Reconstruction, former Senator Edward Brooke of Massachusetts, amongst others. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Senator and President-Elect Barack Obama, President George W. Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney also appear in the film, along with very rarely seen archival footage of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., Vice-President Richard M. Nixon and the great baseball pioneer Jackie Robinson. The film also examines the History of the Republican Party since its founding. 

FEAR OF A BLACK REPUBLICAN is available on DVD at its own website and and also on VOD streaming via its own website and Apple iTunes.

The film has received Print, TV and Radio coverage from the Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, Current TV's THE WAR ROOM WITH JENNIFER GRANHOLM, HUFFINGTON POST LIVE, Christian Broadcasting Network's The Brody Files, Al Jazeera's INSIDE STORY, the Mark Davis Radio Show, Steve Deace Show, Michael Eric Dyson Show, Chris Stigall Show, Victoria Taft Show, The Voice of Russia and many others.

 To learn more about the film or view the film’s trailers, please go to


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