Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Goin' South, Heading West & Empire State of Mind

It’s been a long, strange trip but we are reaching the “end of the beginning” as Sir Winston Churchill once said. Tonight is our last screening in our South and West Tour. We will be at the Salina Arts Center in Salina Kansas. As we wrap up this Tour, we are gratified that people are “getting” our film in screenings across America.

During the past year, FEAR OF A BLACK REPUBLICAN has screened across America in places such as: Atlanta GA, Charlotte NC, Greensboro NC, Wilmington DE, Kansas City MO, Buffalo NY, Rochester NY, Trenton NJ, Portland OR, Washington DC, Liberty MO, Philadelphia PA, Montgomery AL, Jackson MS, Dallas TX, Waco TX, Tucson AZ, Albuquerque NM and Salina KS. Our film has also been profiled in the Washington Post, and the Philadelphia Inquirer, amongst other newspapers; on Al Jazeera, Current TV, Christian Broadcasting Network News and local TV news shows; and on a good number of radio programs like the Mark Davis Show, the Michael Eric Dyson Show, the Bob Grant Show and other great radio programs.

Given the odds against a small, independent film like ours (without an advertising budget) that deals with both Politics and Race at the same time, we are very happy with the Audience response to our film and the discussions it has generated. We’ll let you know soon about our most recent “Partridge-Family”-style Tour of the South & West for FEAR OF A BLACK REPUBLICAN. This “little film that could” has screened and engaged Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Liberals, Conservatives, OWS/99 Percenters, Liberty Caucus and Tea Party supporters and even a few Anarchists along the way. Additionally, we have been fortunate enough to draw many folks from across the economic and demographic spectrums to see our film in movie theaters, college campuses, art spaces and community centers. In a few cases, we didn’t even have to be there for a Q&A – folks just wanted to screen the film and have their own discussions. Pretty cool and moving stuff for some first-time filmmakers.

But… we need to do more and this is where we tell you about our “Big Idea” and humbly ask for your help: Our next step to get our film out into the World and before audiences in this Election Year is to screen in New York City. Yes, the Big Apple. To accomplish this, we have started a Kickstarter Campaign to raise the $19,000 necessary for FEAR OF A BLACK REPUBLICAN to get a One-Week Theatrical Run in Manhattan and the New York Times and other Media coverage that would come with it. This may seem like a large number, but it’s the number required to do it and do right.

We have gotten farther than many artists, but it’s time for us to ask for and accept monetary help. We have been blessed to have had many people along our screening journey help promote us via word-of-mouth and social media, suggest venues, contact media on our behalf, give us media contacts, and purchase our pre-release DVDs. However, as a self-produced independent film… we have pretty much hit our financial wall. As artistic entrepreneurs, we are hoping that there are enough folks who will appreciate the value of our film and its impact on starting conversations within communities about our current Two-Party System.

Kickstarter is a Crowd-funding/Fund-raising site that allows the average person to support the arts personally and effectively. The projects on Kickstarter must meet or exceed their funding goal in order to accept any money. If we do not meet our goal, your funds will be returned to you. This guarantees that we will have the funds necessary to complete our Big Idea project and fulfill our rewards obligations - and you know your donation will be part of something specific - a One-Week Theatrical Run in New York City. Quite honestly, we and our little film cannot do this without your help and in these tough economic times - what better way would there be to create some Election Year discussion of Urban Two-Party Politics – than for FEAR OF A BLACK REPUBLICAN to screen in New York City this Fall?

We have until Aug 4th to raise $19,000 so, please consider giving soon. Donations as small as one dollar will help. If you feel comfortable, please consider forwarding our Kickstarter link ( or this information to anyone you know who may be interested in supporting us.

Thank you for following our cinematic adventures and your support of our endeavors.

Best Regards & Good Luck,

Tamara & Kevin

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