Sunday, May 15, 2011

This Facebook/Twitter/Social Media Stuff Is Hard! Plus Some Other Stuff.

Sorry, as always, that we haven’t been blogging as much as you might expect.  Doing a blog is hard enough within the content of a website versus something like Blogger.  The Social Media stuff which is SO standard nowadays is even tougher.

We’ve been focusing a good bit of time on learning Twitter and Facebook.  It is funny, but we’ve heard two different schools on these two powerhouses.  More than a few have told us that Twitter is better to promote and get the “word out.”  Others say, at least that Oscar-nominated movie did, that Facebook is the way to go.

Admittedly, I’ve been avoiding Facebook.  It seems like an energy-suck that makes you less “real” to people than a blog does.  At least to me.  Plus, that Zuckerberg guy… I dunno.  I hope Newark really does get that $100,000,000.  Cory Booker is doing God’s work up there and I’m a fan.  Just wish he had a twin brother here for us in Trenton.  And that this twin brother would at least lean Republican.  I can dream, can’t I?

To update everyone, Tammy and I were on the “Tracey and Friends” Radio Show on an AM station in Youngstown, OH.  It went really well for us and Tracey was a great host.  We even got some callers from around the country via the internet and one was a self-proclaimed “progressive liberal.”   We got some great questions from everyone and learned a lot ourselves about live radio in this day and age.  During the commercial breaks, we could hear and speak with the Internet callers from around the country (South Carolina, Florida, etc.).  But unless you were listening on the internet, you would not be able to hear us or the other callers.  Very strange.  And something to be careful about in the future.  Thanks, Tracey!

Before this interview, I was on Midred Gaddis’ “Inside Detroit” show on an AM Station in Detroit.  This was the day after President Obama produced his long-form birth certificate.  Whew!  I was sweating about getting “birther” questions, but none came up.  The big question was whether I actually talked to any Black Republicans and whether they knew that their Party had a racist image.  Mildred kindly played the trailer for the audience to hear, which was cool to hear and I was happy that even without the associated video – the trailer works!  You can hear this short interview at our website,

As for screenings, this is coming together at a slow pace.  We are hoping to announce some screenings soon, which will very likely start “Down South.”  How “Down South” we still have to determine, but wherever we screen first will be our World Premiere.  As long as we have enough lead time, we should be able to draw a crowd and hopefully some of FEAR OF A BLACK REPUBLICAN’s participants.  Will let you know as soon as we can.  We were hoping to announce something by now, but booking theatres without a distributor isn’t a cheap proposition.  But, we just can’t wait to screen before an audience.  That is the moment all filmmakers want.  We sure do.

I’ll close with a film recommendation.  DEFINITELY check out the documentary IT MIGHT GET LOUD, which is directed by Davis Guggenheim.  Guggenheim also directed WAITING FOR SUPERMAN.  In IT MIGHT GET LOUD, he gathers up Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin, Jack White from The White Stripes and The Edge from U2 to talk about electric guitars and being a guitarist.  It is an excellent blend of three eras of electric guitar by some amazing musicians, using great archival footage, music and interviews.  The “summit scene” where all three guitarists get together on a sound stage are something to check out.  They just rolled the cameras and got out of Page, White and Edge’s way.  The DVD commentary is great also.

That is it for now...

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